Why do I set goals when the list look like a bunch of common sense items. Well, if we do not have a line to start us off, it will not be long before we criss-cross all the lines, trying to do everything that everyone else is doing. Before long, we will realise that it does not fit into our family value. simply put, by following the crowd, we are allowing OTHERS to dictate where we are going.
There is no right and wrong most of the time. But what we discover is that what we place as priority is different from another family.
Hence, this distinctly identifies our family make-up. Or if you like, how God has gifted each household.
One family I know is outdoorsy, while the other is into table games. While some loves shopping the others simply love the natural environment. Some families have more of this and less of the other and that is fine. We have 2 unique kids, one is gentle, perceptive & musical, while the other is an fast & agile. I have artistic veins running through my blood while my better half loves cramming facts & info. That is my family.
Goals may change overtime depending on the stage of family life we're at. I am blessed to be a staying home mom, not because we are living luxuriously, but because I could sit and contemplate about my family and how best I can serve them.
I sat penning my thoughts. There are about a list of do-ables. Goals should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely.
In the dating section, I penned a date out at least once a month.
In the family atmosphere, I penned Joy, encouragement and praise. Celebration to keep our spirits high, I penned to have spontaneous celebrations over and above birthdays. Need not be pompous, could be a simple treat of ice-cream.
In family unity, I penned family outings every weekend, preferring natural parks and environment over shopping malls. What better way to admire the creation of God and for fresh air and sunlight.
In our relationship with our Lord Jesus, I penned total dependence on God through consistent prayer weaved into our daily going in's and out's, calling on God everytime FIRST time in all situation.
In health, I penned on providing natural and wholesome food for the family through natural plant supplement and other weekly home-cook soups.
In nurturing our children, I penned stewarding their giftings and rooting their foundation in our Lord Jesus. (Actual details are too long to be included in this post.)
Setting Goals for the family is a gradual process of discovering and adpating to the needs and fit that works best for the family. Alike a child picking seashells from the seashore, each one is unique, each one is beautiful. Family is a gift from heaven. Treasure it.
What wonderful ideas!!! Finding shells, taking a walk together and looking at God's creation. These are beautiful.
I want my children to remember beauty from their childhood. Enjoying a book together, a smiling joyful mommy, loving to be together as a family.
Thanks for the post.
Joyful Marmee
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